Sunday, December 11, 2016

Civilization VI Mod Idea: Minnesota Civilization

I loved Sid Meier's Civilization V so much. To me, the Civilization series is THE 4X strategy game above all other 4X strategy games. (4X, of course meaning Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate) At the risk of repeating much better critics than myself, not many games can turn an early morning into a late night than the Civilization franchise. So, why am I talking about it right now instead of something Christmasy? Well, hold onto your red Starbucks(tm) cup and allow me to explain.

In Civilization, you pick from a number of different historical leaders and lead a civilization (funny, isn't it?) from circa 4000 BC to the space age. Players can play in many different ways, being a religion-driven Russia led by Catherine the Great, or a power-hungry, nuke-happy India led by Gandhi.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of whoever has access to the Manhattan Project, motherf%$kers!

Okay, NOW I've lost you all. A thousand apologies. It's very difficult to not talk about politics and dictators while talking about a game where politics and dictators are the norm. The point I'm failing to get at here is that in more recent Civilization games, players who are smart and talented enough can program new things and put them into the game. These are called "Mods", and are fairly popular. With Civilization VI just being released, I had an idea: What if we could have Minnesota, my home state, as a playable civilization?

My God, I'm proud to live in this state!

Now, in the context of a Civilization game, Minnesota is going to need a leader. While a celebrity such as Bob Dylan or Prince would be the obvious choice, we're looking for political leaders. In this sense, I nominate Hubert Humphrey as our glorious leader.

A quick little history lesson for the less-informed: Hubert Humphrey was the 38th Vice President of the United States, serving under Lyndon Johnson. While he lost the 1968 election to Nixon, he is most fondly remembered for representing Minnesota for two terms in the senate. While the man himself was born in South Dakota, he's considered an honorary Minnesotan. Hell, the Metrodome was named after him. That's not nothing. Sheesh, now I miss the Metrodome.

Anyway, Minnesota's special ability will be "Land of 10,000 Lakes". This ability gives Minnesota extra culture and production points when a city is founded near a lake. This also allows Minnesota to expand faster when around lakes.

For the unique unit, I've decided on a Dakota tribe scout. Simply put, this is like a typical scouting unit, but unlike other scouts, which can't fight to save their lives, these units can move far, fast, and can actually fight against barbarians if needed.

And finally, for the unique building, I've decided that a cabin would be nice enough. It can only be built near a forest or a lake, but it provides extra housing, and replaces the neighborhood. It'll also be available earlier.

So there you have it. This is what I think about all the time instead of doing schoolwork. See you all next time.

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