Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 2016

Getting up at 7:30AM isn't normal, but on Christmas, it is
Normally, I don't go to church, but on Christmas, I do
Normally, car rides are a pain in the butt, but on Christmas, they ain't
And normally, I don't pay attention at mass, but on Christmas, I do.

The car ride back is usually a hassle, but on Christmas, it isn't
I usually sleep past 9:00AM, but on Christmas, I don't
I don't sit down, normally, with my family for breakfast
I usually have milk, but I guess I didn't, did I?

I don't like getting socks, but on Christmas, I do
I don't like getting underwear, but on Christmas, I do
I don't like getting clothes, but on Christmas, I do
Because they're from people who want me to have socks and underwear. Hooray.

Kindness is a like a hex, a fever, perhaps a curse,
but on Christmas, that isn't the case
It may rain, it may snow, but unless you're alone,
Christmas is still Christmas, and Hallmark's still making movies.

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