Saturday, December 31, 2016

An Ode to 2016

Everyone's saying 2016 has been a hell of a year, for one of two reasons.

1. Trump
2. Dead Celebrities

About #1

I was afraid of having to bring this up again. This year's election was the biggest example of voting for the lesser of two evils, when the two evils are just as evil and you're afraid to pick the lesser. Is Trump a racist sleazebag? Perhaps. Did he win the popular vote? No, he did not. Does that mean anything? Not in the least. As much as some people hate to admit it, he won fair and square, all things considered.

The thing is, the United States isn't a true democracy. Had it been a true democracy, Hillary would have won due to the popular vote. But there's a catch here. That means there would be no Super Delegates. And without those Super Delegates, and had the popular vote mattered in the Democratic Primaries, Hillary could have still won, but the results would have been much closer.

This is not the only time where the popular vote lost. John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, and Bush #2 in 2000. This is nothing new. In fact, according to political journalist, Sean Trende, John F. Kennedy may have lost the popular vote. This source is a bit ambiguous, but it just goes to show you that popular vote doesn't mean anything in this country.

CNN, MSNBC, and even the DNC itself were all exposed thanks to Wikileaks. They were all being paid by the Clinton Foundation. This is why you didn't hear diddly squat about Bernie during the primary season. Why? Hillary paid the DNC and the mainstream media to undermine Bernie. That isn't a Democracy. Like I said to myself during election night: If Hillary is going to fail the democratic process, then the democratic process is going to fail her.

I'm certain she would have made a great president, but the thing is... She's crooked, and she cheated. In my opinion, she lost due to those Wikileaks reports, not due to racism and bigotry. Is Trump a racist, sexist xenophobe? That's a very popular opinion of him that I'm inclined to believe. Did he cheat? No, he did not. Welcome to the age of information, Hillary.

And to the people who didn't vote during the election, I have this to say: Your vote matters. If you don't like who's in office, and if you're sick and tired of only having a choice between two parties, please vote for someone other than Red or Blue. Votes matter. Or at least, they should matter. And if you're mad that Trump won, and you didn't vote: This is partially your fault. I didn't vote for him, but now that he's gonna be our president for the next four years, understand that there's little to nothing we can do about taking him out of the office, aside from waiting another four years and hoping another candidate steps up to oppose him.

And if you're thinking of assassinating him, free tip: President Pence would be way worse.

About #2

People die every day. Yes, we lost a lot of great people this year, but that doesn't change the fact that people die. Every year, more people are born, and every year, more people die. There's nothing more to it than that. I guarantee you, more people will die next year, then the year after that, and the year after that. Rule of thumb: If more people die during a year, there's bound to be a few celebrities among them. That's all I have for that.

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