Monday, October 10, 2016

My Trip to the Trail of Terror, AKA: How to Mess With Spooky People, Part 1

Through high school, and to be honest, up until recently, I never considered going to the Trail of Terror. I'm usually not a gigantic fan of carnivals, fairs, and the like, but more importantly. I usually have nobody to go with.

Well, after a long and boring shift at my job, I decided "Why not?" and drove on over to Shakopee; about a 20 minute drive, given traffic wasn't brain-clottingly frustrating to get through.

So, as I'm unable to share everything I did while there, I can at least give you all the highlights.

Zombie Paintball! It wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. In a nutshell, you're given 100 glow in the dark paintballs, then walk from one area to the next, blasting "Zombies" wearing heavily-padded clothing and helmets until they fall down. We were told not to shoot them in the head, which I know are the rules of paintball, but it ruins the fun of shooting a zombie in the head. All and all, it at least keeps you on your toes and encourages teamwork. For $15, it's something to do. Just be ready to sign a waiver. Paintball equipment is fragile, and it ain't cheap.

I'm not entirely sure why there was a "Karoake" trailer at a Halloween-themed fair, and not entirely sure why a group of drunk 20-somethings think they can sing "Bohemian Rhapsody", but I now know I can totally rock Kid Rock's "Bawidabaw". So, there's something.

Homemade lolipops at their finest. 'Nuff said. For $10 bucks, I was able to stuff my face with enough sugar to change my genetic code.

"I know Namco might sue us, but damn it, we need ghosts!"

Stay tuned for part dos, where I talk about the really scary stuff!

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