Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The World's Most Expensive S'more

According to Wikipedia:

"S'mores are most typically cooked over a campfire by first roasting the marshmallow over the flame until it is golden brown. The marshmallow is then added on top of half of a graham cracker and a piece of chocolate. The second half of the cracker is then added on top. S'mores can also be made at home in the oven, in the microwave or by using a s'mores making kit. S'mores making kits such as Sterno's Family Fun S'mores Maker allow s'mores to be made anywhere over a portable flame."

That's what we're looking for in: The World's Most Expensive S'more!

First of all, we need some over-the-top expensive chocolate. Thankfully, this was easy to track down.

"Amedei Porcelana, a dark chocolate made by the Amedei chocolatier of Tuscany, Italy, is often called the world's most expensive chocolate. It has won various awards, including "Best bean to bar", "Best Dark Chocolate Bar", and the "Golden Bean award." Amedei is and was, at the time of these awards, a sponsor of the awarding body's parent organization."


According to various sources, a bar of the stuff costs about 16 bucks, with a pound of it costing up to 90 bucks. We only need one S'more, so one bar should do the trick.

Next is the graham cracker. Truth be told, I couldn't find an outrageously expensive graham cracker. However, what's the difference between a cracker and a graham cracker? Just some sugar, if you ask me. However, I can find the world's most expensive cracker!

In 2015, a survival biscuit from one of the Titanic lifeboats sold for 23,000 smackaroos. Remove it from the wrapper, break it in half, sprinkle some honey and sugar on it, and it's a graham cracker.

Also yummy

Next: The marshmallows. I looked for a good hour without finding an actual expensive marshmallow. The only thing that came up were some stupid-looking chairs and a some Ghostbusters merchandise.

Oh dear Christ, not that one! 

Ebay gave me good results.

So, since this is my blog, I say that I should cut myself some slack. 

Target sells these square-shaped marshmallows for 2 bucks a bag. Not exactly expensive, I know. However, they're the right shape for us to hold the world's most lucrative s'more together. To make it fancy, how about some edible gold leaf?  

Also from Ebay, here's a single sheet of edible gold leaf, selling for 10 bucks. We have all the components we need... If you like cold s'mores. Which nobody likes. 

Finally, we need a fire! And a place for a fire! A fireplace! The world's most expensive fireplace! 

Ladies, gentlemen, and robots, this is the Aqueon Fireplace. "This modern fireplace happens to be the world’s first consumer hydrogen fireplace. Priced at $50,000, it is one of the most expensive fireplaces ever. This hi-tech fireplace does not even require a chimney. All it needs is access to tap water so that it can harvest hydrogen and produce a beautiful open flame. Not just that, this contemporary fireplace is designed like an artistic candle flame. Your guests will never stop talking about this one."

He bought that to make s'mores?

Getting our ol' calculator out, our "World's Most Expensive S'more" comes to about $73,028.

I think I'll just stick with what's affordable. 

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