Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Environmental Effects of the Meat Industry, AKA: I Got Much Better at Coding

Did you miss me?

For my final project in my HTML programming class, we were tasked with writing an entire website. The project also dealt with environmental issues, so I decided to choose the meat industry!

For starters, I am not a vegetarian. I sure as heck don't look or eat like one. Regardless, the world has a problem. An eating problem. Specifically, the world eats way too much meat for the world to keep up. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a crisis.

It took millions and millions of years, but humans made it to the top of the food chain, due to our highly-evolved brains. Our most brilliant scientists have recently discovered that Neanderthals, AKA Cavemen, were possibly much more herbivorous than we used to assume. And that makes sense. Before fire and tools, it was very difficult to force a 500-lb proto-deer to the ground with brute strength. Unless if you're Ted Nugent, I suppose.

Once we became homo sapiens, everything started to change. It was slow at first, but then again, do humans like to stay slow? 10,000 years ago, the agricultural revolution began. With it, came animal husbandry and society as we know it. Ever since then, humans have made more and more land for the cattle, swine, sheep and chicken to roam. Even now, roaming is out of the question for some poor animals, stuck in cages, being force-fed antibiotics to make sure that hungry customers don't get sick.

If I haven't chased you off yet, I implore you to check out this website, to learn a few things, and to think twice about what you eat and take for granted. Again, I'm no vegan, but it wouldn't hurt to eat a little less meat. I hope you enjoy my stupid website and learn something from it. I certainly did.

Read the Rest Here!

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